102nd Annual Art Exhibition 2023

You’re invited to Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery to see the artworks of our talented, creative members. Many works for sale!
Our artists all have their unique style, and you can expect a wide variety of works.
Preview: Sunday 19th November 2023 at 2 pm to 4 pm
Members only
Refreshments provided
Exhibition: Sunday 19th November 2022 to Friday 19th January 2024
Now extended to Friday 26th January 2024!
2023 Winners & Prize Money:
Stockport Art Guild Award £100
David Edwards
John Dronsfield Award £50
Ali Hargreaves
Highly Commended Award
Ron Coleman (£30)
Lois Jane (£30)
Nicola Hulme (£30)
People's Choice Award
Ron Coleman (£50)
Events Timetable:
Children’s Art Competition – Design a Christmas Card
13th November - 17th December
We are delighted to announce the winners of the children's Christmas card competition as follows:
Ages 5-10 category
Winner: Erin Burgess (aged 6)
2nd place: Orla Smeed (aged 7)
3rd place: Jude Smeed (aged 5)
Ages 11-16 category
Winner: Sofia Lowe (aged 14)
2nd place: Zara Lowe (aged 12)
3rd place: Pippa Lee (aged 12)
Free competition entry (Submit entries by 10th December)
Children are invited to design a Christmas card.
There will be two categories, for ages 5-10 years and 11-16 years.
The top three artists in each category will each be awarded ten printed Christmas cards using their image and their designs will be shown as part of the guild’s annual exhibition.
The winner in each category will also receive a £25 Hobbycraft gift voucher. The award ceremony will take place at the gallery on Sunday 17th December.
All entries will be displayed in an online gallery.
The original art works should be A5 size (148 x 210 mm).
Entries should be submitted initially by email as a digital image. Emails should bear the title Christmas Competition, and
include the child’s name, age, address, contact email and phone number.
The closing date for entries is Friday 8th December (extended to 10th).
Entry is free of charge.
Contact details will only be used to arrange for the handing in of original artworks for shortlisted entries.
History of Stockport Art Guild art talk by Peter Davis MAFA CBPP
26th November
2 pm to 3 pm.
Peter Davis will present an illustrated talk about the fascinating history of Stockport Art Guild from its Arts and Crafts foundation 1919 up to the present day, including the story of building the memorial art gallery. Copies of Peter's lavishly illustrated book on the subject will be available for sale.
Scottish Colourists art talk by Julia Marwood
10th December
2 pm to 3 pm.
Julia Marwood will present an illustrated talk about the Scottish Colourists, the final talk in her series about Scottish art movements. The Scottish Colourists were one of the most distinctive groups in twentieth century British art and Julia's talk will serve up a taste of their joyful and uplifting work.
Winter Short Stories & Poetry: Story telling for Grown Ups!
Sunday 17th December
1 pm to 2.30 pm.
Against a backdrop of winter scenes by Stockport Art Guild members, a variety of readers will recite atmospheric winter stories and poems. The intermission will offer mince pies and mulled wine.
Varied voices with stories old and somethings new perhaps.
2024 Events
Art for All Day
Sunday 7th January
11.30 am - 3 pm.
Art for all day offers local residents interested in art, but perhaps with limited experience or opportunities, the chance to engage in a range of practical art activities guided by Stockport Art Guild members.
• Figure drawing
• Portrait drawing
• Painting
• Clay modelling
• Printmaking
The event will take place in the perfect setting of Stockport Art Gallery.
All materials will be provided and free of charge.
Painting the zeitgeist: art talk by Peter Davis MAFA CBPP
Sunday 14th January
2 pm to 3 pm.
Peter Davis, member of Stockport Art Guild and archivist for the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts, will be giving us a talk on the work of Edward Hopper, as well as the themes in his own artwork, to discover why painting the zeitgeist (the era we live in) is so important for many artists.
Venue for all events: Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery, Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK3 8AB.
Gallery Opening Times:
Thursday and Friday: 1pm to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: 11am to 4pm
Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and bank holidays
Telephone: 0161 474 4453
Email: stockport.artgallery@stockport.gov.uk
Website: https://www.stockport.gov.uk/topic/stockport-war-memorial-art-gallery
Sponsored by Stockport Town of Culture 2023/24